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Shanghai Leazn Industrial Co., Ltd Is committed to Taiwan, full crown AVC, AVC, the company, AVC website, AVC nylon fixed head, pipe fittings, full crown AVC full crown AVC plastic corrugated hose, full crown AVC metal soft tube, full crown AVC trough, full crown AVC cable tie and other full crown AVC wiring equipment sales
Company history: Taiwan AVC full crown even since 1973, engaged in wiring products production and sales services, in the field of electrical wiring equipment, has accumulated considerable market experience and professional technology; More needs of the market in recent years, successfully developed on its own Elegant, strong resistance to tension, cable fixed head of waterproof, dustproof, etc (SUPER GALNDS) series of products, provide market consumer applications, in the industry for word of mouth; So producing the type and specification quantity series is various, with a fixed head of research and development, manufacture

Tel: 086-21-51699285
Fax: 086-21-51698592
Mob: 13611905823
E-mail: fax@leazn.com
Website: http://www.avc-quanguan.com
Zip code: 237000
Addr: Baoshan district of Shanghai constant high road 127, lane no. 6, 2202
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